How to redeem a Discount Code when subscribing to BroadwayHD for a new subscriber
- Go to our website
- Register for an account by clicking SIGN UP
- Create your account by entering your email address and choose a password
- Choose your newsletter option by clicking the small box
- Read and agree to the Terms of Use by clicking ACCEPT and CONTINUE
- Confirm the correct subscription is highlighted
- Choose the subscription option that your code is valid for, either month or annual
- Click the small box next to HAVE A DISCOUNT CODE
- Enter your code
- If your code is not a 100% coupon, enter your credit card details
- Click on SUBSCRIBE, then WATCH NOW
Questions? Please visit our Help Center to contact our team.
Please note: You will not be required to enter any payment information at this time for subscriptions using a 100% off code. Depending upon your code, your subscription is either for one month or one year and will not automatically renew at the end of the relevant period unless you choose to continue the subscription and enter a payment source before the renewal date. If no payment method is entered the subscription will automatically cancel.